
Cotton Lint

White is the symbol of Peace and Harmony, our Cotton Lint is White Gold that enriches this world of Fabrics, Clothes and Textile. Cotton is super soft and master absorber that makes it an ideal fabric for multiple purposes. Our Purity in Cotton Lint has made us Favorite Cotton Producer for Peoples around the globe.

We strictly follow the standard procedures from Ginning to Delivery. Our Cotton Fibre stands in the top on a scale of 1 to 8 as per standards. This White Gold is separated from Cotton Seeds and Compressed with Hydraulic Machines to make bales.

Along with the Cotton separated here, Linters are also separated. Linters are short fibres attached to cottonseed after the ginning process. The linters are used in the production of Bandages, Banknotes, Swabs.

We are proudly delivering Cotton Lint in a large number of countries and supporting the Lives of People of Africa.


White Gold comes with this Black Gold, the Cottonseeds. Seeds are produced at large numbers along with Cotton. This makes Cotton a Food Crop for the People and Animals around the world.

Cottonseed is the source of cholesterol-free oil for humans, protein-rich cottonseed meal and hulls for animals. Cotton is, therefore, an amazing crop that delivers 100% value and benefits. Cottonseed oil has high part polyunsaturated fats and Vitamin E which extends its longer shelf life. This makes the oil fit for cooking purposes and to get used in the manufacturing of Soap, Emulsifiers, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals and many more products.

We cherish with the transformation of Cottonseed into Edible Oil, Feed for Livestock and Animals. Our High Standards are reflected in Bringing Quality to Global Level and Impacting Thousands of Peoples with Purity and Authenticity.